
Step 1:

Prepare to be frustrated.

Step 2:

Start taking some basic tutorials to figure out what your learning style is.

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Personally I found i needed to go through some tutorials first and I prefer reading and doing exercises after each example. Videos and Quiz style learning was too slow and I didn't remember it. The hardest part of that though is that if I got stuck it was hard to not cheat and look at the solution.

<aside> 🔥 My #1 recommended beginner course in Python:


Learn Python Programming Online

It forces you to write out the answers to all the practice, exercises, and challenges, from scratch. By the end you not only understand the concepts but have written code. After completing it I had written 1400+ lines of code.

Step 3:

Find a project and build it. Reading code and writing code are vastly different skills. You eventually need to just pick a project and work on it. Researching the answers and trying different ways to code are how you will learn. If you copy paste code in this process you're just cheating yourself. Force yourself to write from scratch no matter how hard it is. If you get stuck find an easier project and come back to it.

Circuit Python

Micropython and Circuit Python are very close to eachother. As you gain a basic understanding in Python it is really easy to start making electronics projects much like it is with Arduino and C. Here is a good board to get started with:

Adafruit METRO M0 Express - designed for CircuitPython

Cool Links:

Teachable Machines for ML

Code Debugging tool


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